
  • 社交能力
如何应对社交生活中的困境. Modern life is full of minor but acute dilemmas: wishing to end a boring conversation without causing offence; forgetting a name when introducing friends; running into an ex on a first date with a new partner…


Modern life is full of minor but acute dilemmas: wishing to end a boring conversation without causing offence; forgetting a name when introducing friends; running into an ex on a first date with a new partner…

虽然它们看起来微不足道, such dilemmas illustrate some of the greatest themes in social existence; how to pursue our own happiness while honouring the sensitivities of others; how to convey goodwill with sincerity; and how to be kind without being supine or sentimental.

这本书把礼貌重新置于CQ9电子生活的中心. 通过20个案例分析,《CQ9电子》提供了一种新的优雅行为哲学. 远离琐碎的消遣, 礼貌是创造一个更友善、更体贴的世界这一崇高使命的实际表现.






精装书| 109页| 199 x 139毫米